Wednesday, July 18, 2012

In general, I have a love hate relationship with opinion editorials.  I try to use them as a way to educate myself, to see things through they eyes of others, but I often find myself annoyed and offended rather than validated or educated.

Too often these days, I feel like I just read about people complaining, and often complaining about things that they don't understand or even seem to really care about.  For example, I will never  understand why the WSJ printed the thoughts of a religion professor at an all male college on the topic of girls soccer in America today...a column that has almost single handedly influenced my decision to start this blog.  Well, that terrible column AND my sister Kelly, love you!

My particular topic of interest is soccer, so I will get right down to it.  I have been a soccer player for 25 years, a coach for 7+ years, and a lover of the game since I was 6 years old when I shot the ball into a kid so hard it made him fall over (Sorry, Brian hehe).  

How can I not love a game where you can compete 1 v 1 while also being a part of a team of 11?  How can I not love a game that can literally be played anywhere in the world, on any surface, at any time?  The answer is simple, I can't; I love it.  It truly is the "beautiful game", and this is how I see it...

1 comment:

  1. No one knows better than you, and you play the game beautifully.
